About Us

West Coast Doberman Ranch is a family owned and operated Doberman Pinscher breeder in San Jose, Northern California. We are a Top Quality European Doberman Pinschers Breeder. Health, Temperament, and Confirmation are what we aim to produce!
Our Dobermans
The Doberman makes for a very devoted and loyal companion. With a firm and loving owner, a Doberman will make a wonderful pal and protector of children, a dedicated partner, and loyal friend. The Doberman makes for a devoted member of the household as well.

Our Goal

Our goal is to bring you the best Doberman breed and without compromise. With research and study, we have only selected the best dogs for our breeding program. We have The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals INC (OFA) test all of our dogs.
Vetnostics Labs has DNA tested our dogs for(VWD) and color genetics. The University of Washington performs our cardiomyopathy (DCM) examinations so that we can bring you the best possible health record.
Socialized Puppies
Our socializing starts from the birth of the puppies. While being raised on a ranch, the puppies are trained to be animal and human friendly. The puppies are also subjected to different types of ranch operation and city life environment.
Since the puppies are subjected to the loud noises of farm life such as motorcycles and tractors our puppies are less likely to frighten and easier to train. We are confident that you will be more than satisfied with our Doberman puppies!

West Coast Doberman Social
Devil Dog Tribute

In WWII the U.S. Marine Corps had their own K-9 Corps known as the “Devil’s Dogs”. These dogs received specialized training as messenger dogs to deliver messages, ammunition or medical supplies and sentry dog training to alert handlers of any enemy strangers approaching. These dogs prevented many ambushes as they stood watch protecting their sleeping, tired soldier handlers.Dobermans were used in both WWI and WWII assisting soldiers. These war dogs were trained to find and rescue wounded soldiers, detect enemy locations and mines, act as messengers, sentries and guard dogs.We would like to thank the men,women and service dogs that have severed this great country.
About Us

West Coast Doberman Ranch is a family owned and operated Doberman Pinscher breeder in San Jose, Northern California. We Breed Top Quality European Doberman Pinschers. Health, Temperament, and Confirmation is what we strive for!
Our Dobermans

The Doberman makes for a very devoted and loyal companion. With a firm and loving owner, a Doberman will make a wonderful pal and protector of children, an obedient companion and loyal friend. The Doberman makes for a loving member of the household as well.
Our Goal

Our goal is to bring you the best Doberman breed and without compromise. With research and study, we have only selected the best dogs for our breeding program. All of our dogs have been tested from The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals INC (OFA).
Vetnostics Labs has DNA tested our dogs for(VWD) and color genetics. University of Washington performs our cardiomyopathy (DCM) tests so that we can bring you the best possible health record. Where bone and substance is met without losing form and function.
Socialized Puppies

Our socializing starts from the birth of the puppies. While being raised on a ranch, the puppies are trained to be animal and human friendly. The puppies are also subjected to different types of ranch operation and city life environment.
Since the puppies are subjected to the loud noises of farm life such as motorcycles and tractors our puppies are less likely to frighten and easier to train. We are confident that you will be more than satisfied with our Doberman puppies!
West Coast Doberman Social
Devil Dog Tribute

In WWII the U.S. Marine Corps had their own K-9 Corps known as the “Devil’s Dogs”. These dogs received specialized training as messenger dogs to deliver messages, ammunition or medical supplies and sentry dog training to alert handlers of any enemy strangers approaching. These dogs prevented many ambushes as they stood watch protecting their sleeping, tired soldier handlers.Dobermans were used in both WWI and WWII assisting soldiers. These war dogs were trained to find and rescue wounded soldiers, detect enemy locations and mines, act as messengers, sentries and guard dogs.We would like to thank the men,women and service dogs that have severed this great country.